
Monthly announcements

Special days in January

1st – Closed

15th – Parent Committee meeting at 5:30 pm
Snowball Fun

16th – Board meeting at 5:30 pm

20th – Martin Luther King Jr. Day

No staff meeting this month

Online Payments Now Accepted

There is a 3.95% customer service charge when paying online.  Go to our website and look at the bottom of each page for the “Express-pay it” button

Please label all winter clothes…hats, gloves, coats & boots.  Thank you!

No School Days

Jan. 1 – Jan. 3rd – No school

Jan. 15th – 3 hour early out

Changing jobs?

Please let the office know if you have a new job, phone number or address.  This is for emergency purposes.


Please be respectful and use the driveway for drop off/pick up only.  This will help getting children picked up/dropped off in a timely manner.  Thank you for your understanding.

No Smoking

This is just a reminder that there is no smoking on the grounds of Riverview.  If you are a smoker, please do not throw the butts on our grass or in the driveway.  Thanks


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